Ageing Asia Innovation Forum 2015
来る4月14日、15日にシンガポールで第5回Ageing Asia Innovation Forum 2015が開催されます。
この開催に合わせて「Asia Pacific Eldercare Innovation Awards 2015(アジア太平洋高齢者ケア・イノベーション・アワード)」へのノミネーションを募集していましたが、事務局での選考の結果、6部門それぞれに3から6の事業者がファイナリストとして選ばれました。
Facility of the Year – Residential Aged Care部門
Best Technology for Operational Efficiency部門
Neos + Care /オリックスリビング
「Asia Pacific Eldercare Innovation Awards 2015」は、アジア太平洋地域の高齢者ケア事業者で分野毎に優れた業績を上げているところにアワードを授与するもの。年々応募者も増えており、注目度が上がっています。
各分野のアワード獲得者の発表は、4月15日夜のセレモニーで行われます。第5回Ageing Asia Innovation Forum 2015への出席者は全員、ファイナリストへの投票権利があります。
第3回Asia Pacific Eldercare Innovation Awards 2015ファイナリスト一覧
Facility of the Year – Residential Aged Care
1. Jeta Aged Care by Jeta Gardens (Qld) Pty Ltd, Australia
2. RIEI (Shanghai) by Riei Co. Ltd. (JV Company), Shanghai
3. Ginmokusei by Silverwood Co. Ltd, Japan
4. Thomas Halt by Thomas Halt, Australia
5. Quong Tart at Gallop House by Uniting Care Ageing, Australia
Facility of the Year – Independent Seniors Living
1. BallyCara Village of Friends by BallyCara, Australia
2. Azure Blue Carina by Blue Care, Australia
3. Jeta Gardens by Jeta Gardens (Qld) Pty Ltd, Australia
Best Wellness Programme
1. BallyCara Wellness Program by BallyCare, Australia
2. Love the Way You Live by ECON Health & Wellness Centre, Singapore
3. Caring Net for the Community by Community Medical Support Service Network, Hong Kong SAR
4. Brain Gym ® by Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited, Hong Kong SAR
5. Fitness Sitting Rhythmic (FIT) Programme by Tseung Kwan O Aged Care Complex, Hong Kong SAR
6. Live in the Moment by UnitingCare Ageing, Australia
Best Active Ageing Program
1. Moneterey Men’s Club by BlueCross Community & Residential Services, Australia
2. C.L.A.P – Change your Lifestyle and Action Through Photovoice by University of Hong Kong (School of Nursing), Hong Kong SAR
3. Mark Moran Happiness Program by Mark Moran Group, Australia
4. Toy Story by Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited, Hong Kong SAR
5. Silver Age Studio – Silver Age Microfilm by Senior Citizen Home Safety Association, Hong Kong SAR
6. Life Mentorship Program 2014 by Institute of Active Ageing – The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
Best Dementia Care Programme
1. STARLife Clubs by BlueCross Community & Residential Care, Australia
2. Art and Memory – Through the Senses Program by Emmy Monash Aged Care, Australia
3. Smart Academy by Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited, Hong Kong SAR
4. Mark Moran Remembering Together by Mark Moran Group, Australia
5. Singapore Festive Celebration by SASCO Day Activity Centre for the Elderly, Singapore
6. Residential Hospice Care (UA Namaste) by Uniting AgeWell, Australia
Best Home Care Operator
1. Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Western District Elderly Community Centre, Hong Kong SAR
2. NTUC Health Care @ home, Singapore
3. RDNS, Australia
4. Thai Riei & Elderly Care Recruitment Co., Ltd, Thailand
5. The Salvation Army Hong Kong & Macau Command, Hong Kong SAR
6. TOUCH Home Care, Singapore
Best Rehabilitation Operator
1. Blisscare Australia, Australia
2. ECON Health & Wellness Centre, Singapore
3. Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited, Hong Kong SAR
4. Mark Moran Vaucluse, Australia
5. Mt Wilga Private Hospital, Australia
6. The Salvation Army Peacehaven Nursing Home, Singapore
Best Technology for Operational Efficiency
1. Neos + Care by Orix Living Corporation, Japan
2. Medicine Distribution Management System (MDMS) by MindWave Solutions Pte Ltd, Singapore
3. Napier eHealth Solution by Napier Healthcare Solutions Pte Ltd, Singapore
4. Day by Day, Dish by Dish Regeneration Guide by RSL Care, Australia
5. iTraining by Sir Moses Montefiore Jewish Home, Australia
6. Sentida 7-I by Wissner-Bosserhoff, Germany
Best Product to Support Ageing-in-Place
1. by CGA Holdings, Singapore
2. Work & Life Hub by IBM Corporation, USA
3. Safety Services by Hong Kong Senior Citizen Safety Association, Hong Kong SAR
4. Easy Care Community Support Project for Caregivers by Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited, Hong Kong SAR
5. The Kinnet Active Ageing Wellness Centre by The Kinnet, Hong Kong SAR
6. A Narrative Therapy Guide – ‘ How to Make a Meaningful Life’ in Residential Aged Care by Sir Moses Montefiore Jewish Home, Australia
Best Silver Architecture
1. Azure Blue Carina by Blue Care, Australia
2. Grosling Creek Aged Care by Calder Flower Architects, Australia
3. Ageing in Place Scheme – Clague Garden Estate by Hong Kong Housing Society, Hong Kong SAR
4. Chuk Yuen Canon Martin District Elderly Community Centre by Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited, Hong Kong SAR
5. Bethanie Gwelup by KPA Architects, Australia
6. Mark Moran Vaucluse by Mark Moran Group, Australia
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